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Predicting the Future

Human nature includes the desire to predict and or anticipate both the immediate and longer term future. The reason for doing so is often to …

The Three ECs of Life Insurance

Life insurance is initially purchased for any of a number of reasons. As time goes by, many people question why they are still carrying their …

Many parents wrestle with the dilemma of how much financial support to provide their children attending post-secondary programs. The costs today are much greater than …

During a recent client call, the topics discussed included how the media influence people’s investment behaviors. This client woke up one day with an ‘epiphany’ …

Graham, like millions of other Canadians, has and uses credit cards. He often carries a balance from month to month and is concerned about making …

The Planning Continuum

A question sometimes asked in the media is exactly what is the role of a financial professional and how do they help the client meet …